lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

RF-Microwave Circuits/Simulation Tools

Xpedion GoldenGate includes advanced RF and microwave simulators- RFlinear, RF non-linear harmonic balance with Krylov sub-space and envelope transient withnon-linear phase noise. Seamlessly integrated into widely used Affirma Analog Artist EDA environment, GoldenGate is complementary to Spectre RF and significantlyreduces design-cycles and design-time for wireless integrated circuits and products.

Today's wireless design teams require accurate and fast RF, microwaveand transient simulators to handle large and complex RFdesigns. There are stringent specifications for non-linearity, distortion, gain compression, harmonics, efficiency, phase noise and spurious mixing products. Circuits operate in highly non-linear and deep saturation regimes with digital modulated input signals. Also, RFintegrated circuits are tightly integrated with low frequency analog, DSPand digital designs. This requires the RFdesign environment to be tightly integrated with main stream EDA tools, to reduce the number of design iterations and design-cycle time. Xpedion GoldenGate is designed to meet the needs of wireless integrated circuit designers working in both defense and commercial wireless communications. It offers a set of the most sophisticated RF, microwave and envelope transient simulators combined with a unified set of accurate model libraries, complementary to Spectre RF. Simulators are optimized to handle today's 2G and 2.5G, evolving 3G,Bluetooth RF integrated circuits and complex modulation schemes. Users can perform multiple analyses, such as DC,multi-tone RF, and phase noise, all on a single schematic, while using various modulation sources.

Versatile analog, mixed signal and
RF/Microwave design environment

• Virtuoso Composer for entering hierarchical RF/Microwave and analog/mixed designs using GoldenGate and analog symbollibrary elements
• Fully customizable user interface with SKILL programming language
• Interactive GoldenGate circuit simulation allows quick design entry,change, analysis, display and manipulation of simulation results
• Schematic debug capabilities by cross referencing nodes, nets, and elements
• Industry standard EDIF interface

Devices and Libraries

• Ideal, linear, non-linear and lumped elements, extensive models for BJT,GaAsFET, MOSFET, JFET, diode
• Extensive, and accurate models for microstrip, stripline, coupled, coplanar,suspended and finline structures
• QAM, QPSK, pulse, Chirp, and user-defined modulation sources

Simulators / Analyses

• Three independent tones, unlimited number of harmonics
• Oscillator, amplifier powerup transient analysis, I/V vs time waveforms
• VCO, free running and locked oscillator, analog PLL, phase noise
• ACPR, NPR, SNR, BER, Eye diagram, constellation, EVM,AM/AM, AM/PM
• IP3, IP5, IM3, PAE, power, tone and noise spectrum, group delay
• S, Y, Z, H, noise parameters, VSWR, NF , NFmin, Sopt, Yopt,MAG, MSG
• DC, linear, non-linear Nyquist stability analysis, K factor, oscillator frequency
• DC I-V curves, load lines
• Yield and Monte Carlo analysis
• Eight choices of optimizers
• EM simulator interface using s-parameter files

Results Display

• GoldenGate uses Analog Artist's versatile results display tool
• Waveform calculator for extensive RF/Microwave results post-processing
• Smith chart, gain, noise figure circles,linear and log plot, load pull curves
• Nyquist stability circles
• Single and multiple Y-axes, line markers, pan and zoom, overlay plots from different simulations.

Other Related Products

• GoldenGate/Neural Net ModelCompiler generates accurate C-models for RF , microwave linear and non-linear circuits and discrete active and passive devices
• GoldenGate is interfaced with several system level simulators, including SystemView, SPW, and COSSAP
• GoldenGate is available on Windows 95, 98, NT, integrated with Orcad
• Import Spice models, mathematical sources and Spice circuit netlists.

RF-Microwave Circuits/Simulation Tools
CRF_Zambrano C. Jaydi D.

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